Conventional Embryo Flushing (Embryo Transfer)
Traditionally a bovine female will ovulate one or sometimes two oocytes (unfertilized eggs released by the ovary). When a genetically superior animal is identified Dairy Doctors can use embryo flushing in an attempt to increase the amount of pregnancies that can be created. By utilizing Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) we can assist the donor in ovulating multiple oocytes which can then be fertilized by inseminating the donor. The fertilized embryos are then removed seven days after insemination through the process of conventional flushing on your farm. Once the embryos are removed we can implant them in recipients directly. If recipients are not available, we can freeze the embryos which allows for the sale of embryos or implantation in your own recipients at a later date.
Embryo Implantation
Dairy Doctors offer implantation into your recipients for fresh, frozen, or In-vitro fertilized embryos. The quality of the recipient is vital to the success of any embryo program. Preparation and selection of the recipient is a team effort. Proper nutrition, handling, heat detection, animal comfort and cleanliness paired with accurate selection of a recipient in the correct stage of her estrus cycle, are all equally important. Dairy Doctors hope to work with you in setting up the correct approach on your operation to foster success.
Breeding Soundness Exam
A breeding soundness exam (BSE) is an examination conducted on bulls to assess their reliability and capability as breeding animals. The test involves three evaluations:
- A structural soundness assessment: During the structural soundness assessment, the veterinarian examines the overall condition of the animal including the body condition, general health, and mobility.
- A reproductive system evaluation: The veterinarian will assess the scrotum, testicles and penis, while also conducting a rectal palpation to determine any internal abnormalities.
- A semen quality appraisal: A microscopic evaluation is performed for semen quality.
- A semen quality appraisal: A microscopic evaluation is performed for semen quality.
Following the tests, we will classify the individual bull in one of three categories:
- Satisfactory
- Unsatisfactory
- Suspect or deferred
Dairy Doctors will also explain how they arrived at the results and may recommend culling or re-testing an individual bull. Keep in mind that it is not uncommon for younger bulls to fail their initial test, creating the need to retest later. If a mature bull fails, however, they will rarely pass a second test and thus, unless the veterinarian recommends retesting, should be culled.
Reproductive Ultrasound
Reproductive ultrasound is a tool available to dairy practitioners to improve reproductive performance. Ultrasound evaluates:
- Early Pregnancy Detection
- Fetal sex determination
- Evaluate for Twins
- Evaluate for pyometras
- Evaluate for cystic ovaries
- Assess the potential of embryo donors and recipients
Reproductive ultrasound in the dairy industry is most often thought of as a means of early pregnancy diagnosis. In addition, ultrasound has the advantage over rectal palpation in being able to completely assess ovarian structures and better predict when cows fall into an “optimum” period to initiate or continue with a synchronization program. Combining the accuracy of ultrasound with the most up to date information concerning synchronization programs, we can work together to maximize your reproductive success.
Ultrasound also allows us to determine the fetal sex of the calf. By evaluating the animal at 60 to 75 days of gestation the sex of the calf can be identified as an aid in helping you determine the management of the pregnant animal. We also use ultrasound to evaluate for twins, pyometras (puss in the uterus), cystic ovaries, and to assess the potential of embryo donors and recipients.