Business Services
- Dairy Team Meetings
- Goal Setting Sessions
- Financial Reviews
- Milk Quality and Production
- Biosecurity Plans
- Breeding Programs
- Oversight and monitoring of Drug Programs
- Economic Bench Marking
- Dairy Team Meetings
In today’s competitive dairy environment, it’s critical to have your business operating as efficiently as possible. We specialize in helping dairies to identify areas that may be reducing profitability due to issues such as decreased milk production, decreased milk quality, high disease incidence, high cull or death rates, lameness, poor reproduction or labor inefficiencies.
After problem areas are identified, Dairy Doctors’ staff members will create proactive plans designed to help you improve on these areas. We also will assist you in the implementation and monitoring of these plans to help insure a positive impact is made for your business.
Dairy Doctors veterinarians also regularly participate in dairy team meetings, goal setting sessions and financial reviews.
Dairy Staff Training Services
Dairy Doctors provides a wide variety of custom training programs for dairy employees to help provide a high level of care for all animals on your dairy. These programs include:
- Transition cow monitoring and assessment
- Milker performance
- Calving assistance
- Stockmanship and cattle handling
- Proper treatment techniques
- Specialized sessions created to meet each dairy’s specific needs.
- Transition cow monitoring and assessment
Milk Quality Analysis
A thorough milk quality analysis requires evaluation of the cow and her environment, the milking system, milking procedures and records analysis. For a more complete description of Dairy Doctors Milk Quality programs, please visit our Milk Quality Services tab.
Facility Design Consultation
Dairy Doctors is experienced in helping clients design and build facilities with maximizing animal comfort and health as the main priorities. Special attention needs to be made to
- Ventilation
- Pen sizes
- Flooring
- Feed-bunk design
- Footbath design
- Other details
Heifer Raising Services
Dairy Doctors can assist you with all aspects of raising quality replacement heifers. Whether you are a custom heifer grower or raising your own heifers, attention to detail is important when trying to raise heifers that will be productive and doing it in a cost effective manner. We assist clients raising heifers in areas such as:
- Colostrum collection and storage systems
- Monitoring the colostrum feeding program
- Quality control of pasteurizers
- Nutrition
- Vaccination protocols
- Treatment protocols
- Disease incidence monitoring and review
- Growth performance
- Reproductive programs
- Health papers for out of state shipment
- Employee training sessions
- Colostrum collection and storage systems
Biosecurity plans
Dairy Doctors will help you design a biosecurity plan to help protect your dairy from potential infectious disease problems. These plans are custom developed to your unique situation and involve a combination of a vaccination program, disease diagnostic testing, and specific herd management plans that will help you reduce the risk of harmful issues affecting your dairy.
Oversight and monitoring of drug programs
Dairy Doctors will work with you to develop comprehensive treatment protocols and record keeping methods to aid in the management of drug use. We also have an In-House laboratory to provide quick turnaround time in the treatment of the effected animal. Please visit our Dairy Performance Services tab for further information.
Breeding Programs
Breeding soundness exams(BSE) are conducted on bulls to assess their reliability and capability as breeding animals. Three evaluations are involved. Please visit our Advanced Reproduction tab for further information.